Tuesday 18 October 2011

Proof: Deconstructing Light (_object{-ions in the mirror)

'Proof'  is een videogedicht-triptiek in opbouw.
3 Gedichten van David Tomaloff in video verwerkt door mezelf.

Deconstructing Light (_object{-ions in the mirror) is het eerste deel.

_object{-ions in the mirror (David Tomaloff - Kill Author, 2011)

testosterone funny blanket
ripped sheets and new years

origami weathervane
mutational excerpts for cash

cornbread is your birthday;
your birthday, she is alive

with a middle name like Salvo,
you never have to bring your own

the frat boys fill your tin cup
with cigarettes, aerosols—

and meats

and call you a pretty taxicab
to take you pretend home

no knees are good knees;
no prayer is prayer enough

I saved the last sentence for you—
you, crawling on your bad knees

trying to make sense of the sense
you left bragging in the hallway

a microscopic orgasm;
a see-through, a piñata

light fuse and back away
are closer than they appear

Deconstructing Light (_object{-ions in the mirror)

Woorden & Stem: David Tomaloff
Camera: Jonas Gramming - Swoon
Concept, montage, bewerking, muziek: Swoon
Dank aan: St. Hank BB (Man), Arlekeno Anselmo (Ghost), JC (Hands)

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