Monday 12 March 2012

Channeling Gertrude (Tom Konyves)

Qarrtsiluni is al eerder een bron gebleken voor intrigerende poëzie of sterke lezingen.
Eind vorige maand was er de Qarrtsiluni Podcast van Tom Konyves.
De man is een beetje een pioneer van het videogedicht (en de 'uitvinder' van de benaming 'videopoetry')

Channeling Gertrude dan;
Tom had (in het artikel op Qarrtsiluni) zelf het volgende te vertellen over het schrijven van 'Channeling Gertrude'.

"An unusual experience prompted the writing of this poem — hearing the voice of someone we have never met. For me, it was the voice of Gertrude Stein. I managed to capture only one brief statement: ‘make a name for yourself.’ What followed was a torrent of words that astonished me; it was like being caught up in a whirlwind. Almost faster than I could record them, repeated phrases — with minute modifications — swirled through my mind and onto the page. When it was done, it was as if the words had been written by another. I then truly understood Rimbaud’s famous phrase, ‘Je est un autre.’”

Ik was bijna onmiddellijk weg van de tekst en de lezing. Er gaat een dromerige kwaliteit van uit, zonder 'zweverig' te worden. Integendeel, de tekst heeft een geweldige drive.

Channeling Gertrude
Everyone hears voices.
The voice I heard that night was the voice she used to write the names she used in writing.
“make a name for yourself”
what if the name makes the sound of a smoke alarm when it makes us listen up to the sound, it makes us rush toward the sound like a long lost one, one who has been lost to us without a sound, now there is a sound of one who may have been lost only to us, not without a name, but a name whose sound makes someone stand up and turn to us rushing toward them like a long lost someone whose name is the same
now what if the name is the same as someone else who has not been lost to us, but with us all the while and he or she is the same one whose face is so familiar that we would recognize them no matter where they were, he or she, and even if they came up behind us in a sudden wind whose touch was not immediately familiar but whose face was as familiar as could be
and if the sound of the name is recognized by someone who hears the name and suddenly the wind dies and the sound of the name is clear to us but not to someone who still hears the wind rushing to meet them at the train station
who has not recognized the sound of the name he or she hears at the train station, can the sound be recognized to make someone turn into the wind and still hear clearly, the name whose sound is the same as when they left and were lost to us who will always recognize the name and the sound of the wind rushing toward the train station
and the more we hear the sound of the name the more we begin to recognize that it is the same name we have always heard from a distance and it continued to sound in our ears as if we had always heard the name, no not a sudden wind, would make us turn toward the voice who said the name because it was familiar
or if it was so familiar that the name was the same as so many other names whose sound, like the wind in a train station, where the sound of names and places and time and faces are many, so many
now they say that you can’t go home again because it is not the same home you left when you were lost to someone in a place and time we recognize when we hear someone speak about this or that place or time and it is always the past where it is all so familiar and even if it is not we don’t have to be so careful about what we do
if the name is familiar and we recognize the sound as someone who has left us for far away where the past is unfamiliar and the sound is not one we recognize but one whose sound makes the sound of a whistle, we turn to face the direction of the sound and if he or she is different from the one who is lost to us, we turn and return to the home where he or she is sitting on the steps and smiling

De volledige lezing van Tom kan je beluisteren of downloaden op Qarrtsiluni.

Na verschillende lezingen en beluisteringen van 'Channeling Gertrude' heb ik mijn stoute schoenen aangetrokken en heb ik Tom gevraagd of ik 'iets mocht doen' met de tekst en de lezing.
Ik mocht.

Al bij de eerste beluistering van de podcast moest ik zelf denken aan een track van enkele maanden geleden:

Voor de beelden heb ik opnames gebruikt van reflecties op het raam van een trein in een tunnel vermengd met een 'exerpt' van gerecycleerde beelden uit een video die ik anderhalf jaar geleden al had gemaakt.
Dat (opnieuw gemonteerde) exerpt staat in een loop die steeds altijd herhaald wordt naar het einde toe. Als een 'stream of consciousness' in beelden...

Enfin, 't is klaar.

Channeling Gertrude

Woorden en stem: Tom Konyves
Concept, camera, montage en muziek: Swoon
Dank aan Arlekeno Anselmo en Qarrtsiluni

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